What is colon hydrotherapy?
Colonics uses purified water to gently hydrate and soften accumulated mucus, plaque, and waste in the large intestine. The water stimulates peristalsis (smooth muscle contractions) in order to eliminate toxins and gas.
Colon Hydrotherapy:
Per Session - $125
Package of 3 - $330 ($110/Session)
Package of 6 - $600 ($100/Session)
Add-Ons $25 each:
Coffee enema, Bentonite clay enema, Chlorophyll enema/implant,
Probiotic enema/implant, Aloe enema/implant
Colon Hydrotherapy:
Do I need colonics?
Almost everyone can benefit from colonics. Your colon is part of a major elimination pathway for your body. If it is not functioning optimally, toxins accumulate, reabsorb, and recirculate in the body. Colon hydrotherapy can be used to enhance your health and prevent disease.
How many sessions will I need?
The number and frequency of sessions recommended depends on your individual requirements and health goals. In general, 4 to 6 sessions clustered together once or twice a week, is a sufficient starting point. Maintenance sessions are typically once a month.
Are colonics safe for everyone?
Colon hydrotherapy is not recommended for people who are diagnosed with hypertension, uncontrolled seizures, congestive heart failure, aneurysm, cirrhosis of the liver, or colon cancer. Certain medications that thin the digestive lining, such as steroids or chemotherapy, may restrict someone from receiving colon hydrotherapy treatments. Colonics is also not recommended during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. Those with colitis, Crohn's or diverticulitis would need to be assessed on an individual basis before being approved for treatment.
How do I prepare before a session?
It is not required to do anything before a session. However, it is advisable to avoid any large or heavy meals in the hour prior to your appointment.

What can I expect after?
You should be able to participate in your regular activities following a colonic. However, it is advised to avoid rigorous exercise or heavy lifting for at least one hour. If possible, it is ideal to keep your schedule open so that you are able to rest at home if you experience detox symptoms (which are temporary) such as fatigue or dizziness.
Do I lose all of my good bacteria?
During the elimination of your waste, some good bacteria is removed along with the bad. Colon hydrotherapy is not a sterilization process. Good bacteria thrive in a clean and healthy colon environment; colonics, therefore, promotes the colonization and growth of good bacteria. Taking a high quality probiotic supplement is recommended for everyone, even outside of colon hydrotherapy in order to maintain optimal balance.
Do I lose electrolytes?
Colonics does not deplete the body of electrolytes. However, just as you would eliminate some minerals anytime you release waste or sweat, you would lose some minerals during a colonic session. You can easily replenish your electrolytes with lemon water and a pinch of sea salt, raw organic coconut water, green juice, maple water, or other electrolyte drink.
How long is a treatment?
The session takes 30-45 minutes on average. However, appointments are 1 hour long to give you time to prepare before and after the session.
Does it hurt?
No, it is not painful. It is common to experience cramping similar to what you would experience with diarrhea; this is because colonics exercises the same muscles that are stimulated when you have a bowel movement.

Other Common Questions:
What is unique about Barrie Digestive Clinic's colonics?
The Aquanet EC-2000 is a premium professional system that is capable of controlling water pressure, flow, and temperature. We use single-use, medical-grade, disposable kits. There is absolutely no danger of contamination. The water used is triple-filtered immediately before introduction into your body. An experienced therapist will be with you throughout the session, guiding and informing you.
How is a colonic different from doing an enema at home?
An enema only reaches the first several inches of your lower colon. During a typical colonics session, water will flow through the entire large intestine (over 5ft). You do not need to go to the washroom to empty your colon between water fills; instead you remain in the session room and will experience a series of fills and releases.
What is a coffee enema?
Coffee enemas are especially beneficial for cleansing and detoxing. It is different from drinking coffee because it does not adversely affect the digestive system. Coffee is introduced into the large intestine and then "held" for approximately 15 minutes. The coffee is absorbed primarily by the liver via hepatic portal vein in the large intestine. The caffeine, enzymes, and alkaloids in the coffee work together to engorge the bile ducts, increase bile flow, and stimulate liver detox pathways. An organic coffee blend created specifically for therapeutic enema use is prepared for sessions: S. A. Wilsons
What are implants and their benefits?
After the session is complete and the bowels have been emptied it is an added benefit to introduce an implant. This is a concentrated dose of a therapeutic product, which is easily absorbed through the colon, by-passing the digestive system. These implants have been specifically chosen for their detoxifying and digestive healing properties. * Aloe - Healing and soothing to the digestive tract; anti-inflammatory; detoxifier; increase oxygen transportation * Bentonite Clay - Absorbs toxins; detox heavy metals; treats candida/yeast overgrowth * Chlorophyll - Detoxifier; promotes formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin; anti-inflammatory; increase oxygen transporation *Probiotics - Good bacteria placed directly where the flora will thrive; immune system boosting; digestive system balancing

How much water should I drink daily?
The general recommendation is to drink half your body weight (lbs) in ounces. i.e. If you weigh 200 lbs; drink 100 ozs (2.95L) daily.
Could I just use laxatives instead?
Laxatives, herbal or chemical, both ultimately create dependency. Instead of strengthening the colon, in the long-run, laxatives will weaken the colon's natural ability to self-cleanse and eliminate waste effectively. Colon hydrotherapy is not habit-forming, and each session helps strengthen and rebalance the colon.
What is the difference between an open-system and closed-system?
At Barrie Digestive Clinic, we use a closed-system. This means that everything is contained within the colon hydrotherapy equipment and there are typically no sounds or smells of any kind throughout the duration of the session. A therapist is present throughout the treatment, adjusting the pressure, temperature, as well as analyzing the contents of your waste flow so you will have informed feedback of the results. An open-system can be more aggressive and usually you are alone through the duration of the treatment. However, both systems are effective at waste elimination.
Can colonics be used to prepare for a colonoscopy?
Yes. A consultation is required to review individual cases but colonics sessions can be used to prepare for a colonoscopy or barium enema.
Can I still have a colonic if I am menstruating?
Yes, you can still come in for a colonic.
Should I have a colonic when I am sick with a cold/flu etc.?
This is at your discretion. While it is beneficial to receive a colonic while sick, you do not want spread any communicable diseases. It is advisable to speak with a therapist before scheduling an appointment.
“My peristalsis has improved 100% and I can feel a difference in every aspect of my life. I am now regular and feel so much satisfaction after every movement.”
“I am very happy to have found such a beautiful place! Every time I come here I feel enlightened, energized and purified. My body is getting lighter! ”
“I’ve been suffering from severe post-partum digestive issues (due to hormones) and would not have been able to start healing my digestive issues without Carol’s expertise.”

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